Little Marvin Wearing
Hearts on Sleeve Fashion Article Posted January 30, 2009 |
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Modern-day Johnny Appleseed Launches "Heart Transplants" for Valentine's Day and beyond "The War on Drugs"... "The War on Terror"... Now One Man Wages W.O.W. (The War on War) Modern-day Johnny Appleseed Launches "Heart Transplants" for Valentine's Day and beyond little marvin will not stop cutting hearts all over the world until war ends. Forever. Inspired by a family
member's ordeal in the terrorist attacks
on Mumbai, this modern-day Johnny
Appleseed subscribes to the same
11-point manifesto as terrorists - with
a mission to inspire others to love with
the same passion, devotion and energy
that terrorists give to acts of terror.
And now, little marvin is inspiring people everywhere to cut, sew and wear golden hearts of their own with two February launches: little marvin loves you! Heart Transplants on Feb. 7, and the Valentine's Day debut of his multimedia event MAKE LOVE WAR. little marvin explains how he was inspired to cut golden hearts until war ends with his personal story: "Thanksgiving Day we woke to find out that a beloved family member was caught in the crossfire of the Mumbai attacks", says little marvin. "The cruelty and horror she witnessed for 16 hours in a hotel was beyond comprehension. Luckily for our family she made it out alive. Other families were not so lucky." People respond to tragedy differently. Some retreat, others lash out. little marvin's response surprised even him. "I began to cut gold hearts and sew them to the sleeves of my shirts. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Like a meditation, in a way; a simple reminder of where to lead from." But when friends, colleagues and even strangers on the street began asking for gold hearts of their own, little marvin realized their potential was greater than he originally intended. "It wasn't calculated on my part, trust me. These are die-hard New Yorkers we're talking about. No one wants to be the dude with gold hearts on his sleeve on a crowded subway." "But", he continues, "It's usually the most simple act that allows a person to access their deepest humanity. Any act, no matter how small, when done with intense purpose and devotion, can be transformative. By that rational, cutting hearts can end war. It is truly that simple." February sees two launches from little marvin: February 7th - little marvin loves you! Heart Transplants available at, Bloomingdale's and select stores nationwide. Two matching gold sew-on hearts packaged in ready-to-send, colorful cards and envelopes with whimsical illustrations and quotes, little marvin loves you! Heart Transplants make the perfect, affordable gift for Moms or Dads to give their daughters and for sisters or best friends to exchange. February 14th - March 7th little marvin's MAKE LOVE WAR campaign debuts at Anonymous Gallery in New York City (appropriately enough) on Valentine's Day with little marvin inviting New Yorkers to cut 1000's of hearts from a shimmering gold army tent, transforming the gallery floor-to-ceiling into a sepulcher of golden light, while a live-feed simultaneously broadcasts the show around the world. (Think Warhol-era happening meets the Age of Perpetual Facebook) "This effort will continue until war is over", says little marvin, "A giant capsule called HeartBomb, complete with a countdown clock, will collect the hearts for the event's travels around the world. The clock will stop once all war on earth has come to an end. At that point it will be buried. I'm hoping this show has a short life." little marvin loves
you! founder & CEO little marvin thinks
that Love is the MOST valuable and
underrated commodity in the whole world,
and that every day spent not loving
EVERY DAY is a day wasted. So he's
dedicated his life & company to making
more of it - Right Now! Whether
designing apparel & accessories,
creating digital content for fashion &
luxury brands worldwide through little
marvin/bIG MEDIA or orchestrating
multi-platform human-based initiatives,
little marvin's motto remains the same:
Make. Love. Now. For more information on
this and other little marvin projects,
go to:
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