Seasonalization...  Think Tank written by Apparel Search 
Think Tank

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It is now Oct. 2, 2000, the air is beginning to receive the first chill of autumn. As usual, I have failed to notice the seasons changing around me. As the morning arrives; I wake, I dress, I proceed to make my way to the bus stop. Reluctantly, I board the bus and travel to the bustling streets of New York City.

A quick cup of coffee at port authority wakes me from my morning trance. Now it is time to venture out the main doors and into the active streets of NYC.

Walking through the streets, it is clear to see that old man winter is on his way to visit. The streets are starting to fill with sweaters, hats and jackets galore. Although the clothing is not of winter weight, the appearance certainly symbolizes the dismissal of summer. Short sleeves are gone, as long sleeves and fall colors have officially arrived.

To my dismay, I realize that I am currently with out a coat to warm me from the cool autumn air. Making matters worse, I notice that I have broken one of the most important rules of fashion. Yes, it is true. It is now "Fall", and I am wearing "Spring" colors. As if this is not bad enough, I find myself standing dead center in the fashion capital of the world.

Rather than make myself believe that I am a complete fashion disaster, I have decided to convince the world that I am dressed properly and that the 8 million other New Yorkers are the ones that are actually dressed incorrectly. Therefore, my mission of the day is to convince the world that we should make strides to reaching full "Seasonalization".

If you are wondering what "Seasonalization" means, you are certainly not alone. As far as I know, I am the first to utilize this term. As the political & financial world move closer to "Globalization" (bringing together of the world economies), it is my view that the fashion industry should make strides to "Seasonalization" (merging of seasonal colors).

Who decided that we are not permitted to wear light colors in the Fall? If a pale green is acceptable in Spring time, why is it not acceptable in Fall. Maybe, pale green makes me happy. Is there a reason that I can only be happy for part of the year? No wonder there is war and anxiety in the world. The fashion elite has not allowed us to wear our happy colors year round. This is unjust and should be changed.

Wouldn't the world be a kinder place if we could wear our favorite colors all year round??? Spread the word, "Seasonalization" is the way of the future.  Produce spring colors in fall weight fabrications... Join the revolution...  The world will be a much happier place if "all" colors are considered to be "year round" colors.

Written by Apparel Search Company 10/2/00

FYI: "Seasonalization" may find its way into our Glossary.

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