Clothing racks are for the fashion industry but they can also be used by consumers.
Clothing Racks & Displays for retailers - learn about a wide selection of clothing racks and garment racks for any boutique shop or clothing store.
Clothing Racks for Warehouses & Trucks - If you are looking for a clothing rack with industrial quality, the industry has several suppliers of clothing rack kits that pack industrial quality into a retail size or larger clothing rack. Clothing racks are made in several configurations to suit your warehouse or truck.
Clothing Racks for Consumers - clothing racks appropriate for a household environment.
Their are many different types of clothing racks.
A clothing rack is a framework for holding or displaying clothes in a fashion store. Certain types of clothing racks can also be used by consumers to hang clothing in their homes.
A garment rack is a rail used in stores to hang items of clothing on display, such as shirts, pants, suits, coats, etc.
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rolling racks.
Clothing, footwear, and fashion accessories have a wide variety of display options. Clothing racks are only one of several options for fashion retailers.
Below are a few of the other types of garment display options.
Fashion retailers have a wide assortment of garment hanging methods at their disposal. Many fashion boutique get rather creative with methods of display. They can use something simple as a rolling rack or something complex that can be classified better as a sculpture or piece of art.
Find companies that sell retail store fixtures from the links below.
Clothing Retail Fixture Stores
Get the most from your closet space. Clothing racks, often called closet organizers, allow you to get the most use from your closet. They typically consist of adjustable wire shelving and hanging racks that you can customize to utilize of every inch of closet space. They can be used for every day use or a longer term method of storage.
Here are a few examples of consumer relevant clothing racks:
A coat rack, coat stand or a hat stand is an item of furniture on which clothes may be hung. A coat rack often refers to a set of hooks that are attached to a wall and is mainly used to hang coats and jackets. In a kitchen or bathroom environment the coat rack is often used to hang towels. In some cases, a coat rack refers to a self-standing piece of furniture. The self-standing variant is more often referred to as an hatstand and is mostly used to hang coats, jackets, umbrellas and hats.
A Clothes valet, also called men's valet, valet stand and suit stand, is an item of furniture on which clothes, particularly men's suits, may be hung. Typical features of valets include trouser hangers, jacket hangers, shoe bars, and a tray organizer for miscellaneous, day-to-day objects like wallets and keys.
Fashion consumers utilize clothing racks for convenience and storage.
Rolling racks and other types of clothing racking can be used by retailers, wholesalers and consumers.
Clothing warehouses often have cartons full of clothing. However, some clothes must be stored on hangers. In order to keep garments from getting wrinkled, some storage facilities and transportation vehicles utilize some sort of clothes racking system. In addition to storage, rolling racks are often used to move garments from one area of a warehouse to another.
Have you heard the term "GOH". This means Garment On Hanger. Certain trucking carriers have trucks setup for transporting hanging garments.
Garments on hangers containers Garments on hangers (GOH) containers give customers the option of using a string or bar system, or a combination of both. The GOH containers offer increased flexibility, greater internal load capacity and savings on transportation and handling costs.
Rolling racks and permanent clothing racks are also often used by manufacturers.
You may also find the following clothing relevant terms to be of interest.
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