Mariposa Fans
: Hot Couture is the brainchild of the marketer who brought
Baileys from an unknown category to a million case brand with a place
among the classic liqueurs. Now, Susan M. Lupien, President of Hot
Couture has turned her razor sharp insights towards another "hot
category," namely fashion accessories. Zeroing in on the turn of the
Millennium fascination with functionalism wrapped in romance, she took a
look at a fashion note that has been around for centuries and is just
the solution for bringing together today's frenetic pace and its longing
for a gentler, more romantic times. Enter the hand-held, handcrafted
fashion fan. Lupien saw the wilting spectators at golf, polo, and tennis
matches; theater audiences; and dancers on the club scene and observed
their furtive efforts to recycle napkins and programs into sources of a
cooling breeze. Familiar with the sourcing of luxurious European
imports, she boarded a jet and headed out to find where the skill and
craft of shaping chic hand-held fans still existed. She found them, and
set to work with her Design Director, Chris Royer.
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