Apparel Search is NOT a non-profit company
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The Apparel Search Company is NOT a non-profit agency. We are sorry, but we unfortunately do not have the time to answer the numerous questions received each day.

"I am a student doing a research paper about clothing worn in the Victorian era, can you help me with my report"

"Can you help me find Jeans made by Sam's Jean Company in size 34 waist & 40 length..."

"I am starting my own clothing business, can you tell me everything I need to know about the fashion industry" 

The Apparel Search Company is not a University, Non-Profit Organization, nor Government Agency.  Due to the fact that we do not receive grants or special funding, we are limited in regard to the amount of time and resources that we can devote to answering "educational" questions.


Although we would truly like to assist you, we simply do not have the ability to properly manage our core business and provide you with free assistance at the same time.


We will continue to offer numerous free services for the fashion industry.  However, we simply do not have the luxury of responding in a free manner to the overwhelming number of questions received.  If your questions are not directly relevant to one of our core services, we unfortunately may not have the resource of time to adequately respond to your inquiry.   


In order for us to continue making Apparel Search the best possible fashion industry web site we must spend more time "building" Apparel Search and less time answering "questions".

Thank you for your understanding.


Try the Fashion Incubators page for further assistance if you need a service to help fashion startups.


If you are looking for non-profits, you may want to check out the clothing donation page.


Learn more by educating yourself with the fashion industry career guides.

Have discussions regarding fashion topics and the fashion industry at the Fashion Industry Network.

If you have relevant fashion industry questions, you are welcome to post them on our message board system (forums) at the fashion industry network.  Possibly one of the other viewers can assist you.  If you wish to learn more about the Apparel, Textile or Fashion industries, I suggest you visit our Education section.  In that section you will find a list of fashion schools that may be able to assist you with your learning process.

Apparel Search Fashion Industry Directory

We enjoy what we do, but we do it for the money.  Sorry, we are currently NOT a non-profit.

Thank you for using the Apparel Search website.