Sensation Mode flies off to Berlin
with six Quebec designers
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Sensation mode senvole Berlin avec six
designers qubcois
On June 23rd, in Berlin, Sensation Mode, in collaboration with the ministre du Dveloppement conomique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (Department of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade) and the Qubec General Delegation in Munich, will present an exclusive theme fashion show involving six Quebec designers, i.e. Andy Th-anh, Harricana, m0851, Marie Saint Pierre, Parasuco and Mackage. This event, which integrates both fashion and the visual arts, will be part of the festivities surrounding the Fte du Quebec and the 10th anniversary of the Quebec Office in Berlin. In addition, five of the six designers involved will get to see their creations presented, from July 1st to the 4th, at the DomAquare within the framework of the Showroom-mile, an official activity of Berlin Fashion Week.
We are quite proud of having conceptualized and organized this outstanding fashion show, an event, which will be attended by the key players of Germany's fashion and design industry, notes Chantal Durivage, co-president and founder of Sensation Mode. This special project is our first foray onto the German market. In addition to being highly important to participating designers, it marks the start of new relations that will ultimately generate attractive spinoffs for the Quebec fashion industry.
New York, Tokyo, Paris Berlin's theme fashion show is one of the many ongoing measures taken by Sensation Mode to develop collaborative international ties that will support the growth, recognition and outreach of the Quebec fashion industry. The Berlin project comes in the wake of similar activities held in New York, Tokyo and Paris, not to mention the recent partnership between Montreal Fashion Week, also organized by Sensation Mode, with the prestigious WHO's NEXT show in Paris.
We mustn't forget that, after New York and Los Angeles, Montreal ranks third in the North American apparel industry, making it a fashion capital!
Acknowledgements We wish to thank our institutional partners in Quebec and Germany for the key role they have played in making this event a reality.
About Sensation Mode Sensation Mode produces and stages major fashion events in Canada, including the Montreal and Toronto Fashion and Design Festivals and Montreal Fashion Weeks. Its goal is to strengthen Montreal's position as a city of design on the national and international scene by showcasing the creativity of its designers. Over the years, thanks to increasingly innovative programs, events and activities organized by Sensation Mode have become a major showcase for the creativity and know-how of Quebec's fashion and design sector.
French: Sensation mode
senvole Berlin avec six
designers qubcois Sensation Mode, avec la collaboration du ministre du Dveloppement conomique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation et de la Dlgation gnrale du Qubec Munich, pr'sentera, le 23 juin prochain Berlin, un dfil-concept exclusif auquel participeront six designers qubcois, soit Andy Th-anh, Harricana, m0851, Marie Saint Pierre, Parasuco et Mackage. Lvnement, qui intgre la fois mode et arts visuels sinscrit dans les festivit's entourant la fte du Qubec et le 10e anniversaire du Bureau du Qubec Berlin. Cinq des six designers concern's auront de plus la chance de voir, du 1er au 4 juillet, leurs crations pr'sentes au DomAquare dans le cadre du Showroom-mile, une activit officielle de la Semaine de mode de Berlin.
Nous sommes tr's fiers davoir conceptualis et organis ce dfil exceptionnel, un vnement auquel assisteront les principaux acteurs de lindustrie allemande de la mode et du design , souligne Chantal Durivage, co-pr'sidente et fondatrice de Sensation Mode. Ce projet spcial se veut une premire ouverture sur le march allemand. Tr's important pour les crateurs participants, il sonne le dbut de relations nouvelles qui, terme, gnreront des retombes tr's intressantes pour lindustrie qubcoise de la mode.
New York, Tokyo, Paris Le dfil-concept de Berlin sinscrit dans les dmarches nombreuses et continuelles faites par Sensation Mode pour dvelopper des collaborations linternational afin dappuyer la croissance, la reconnaissance et le rayonnement du milieu qubcois de la mode. Le projet berlinois donne ainsi suite des activit's similaires stant droules New York, Tokyo et Paris, sans oublier le rcent partenariat de la Semaine mode Montreal, elle aussi organise par Sensation Mode, avec le prestigieux salon WHO's NEXT de Paris.
Noublions pas une chose : apr's New York et Los Angeles, Montreal occupe le troisI'me rang en Amrique du Nord ct industrie du vtement, ce qui en fait un tr's haut lieu de la mode.
Remerciements Nous remercions nos partenaires institutionnels au Qubec et en Allemagne qui ont exerc un rle important dans la ralisation de cet vnement.
propos de Sensation Mode Sensation Mode produit et ralise des vnements mode majeur au Canada, dont les Festivals mode et design de Montreal et de Toronto ainsi que les Semaines de mode Montreal. Son objectif est daccentuer, au plan national et international, le positionnement de Montreal comme ville de design, et ce, en mettant de lavant la crativit de ses designers. Au fil des ans, par le biais dune programmation toujours plus innovante, les vnements et activit's organis's par Sensation Mode sont devenus une vitrine tr's importante pour la crativit et le savoir-faire du milieu qubcois de la mode et du design.
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