(Italy) Peverada snc produces cylinders, dials and sinkers rings from 10" to
42" diameter in any gauge. Their twenty years experience and the cooperation
with the most important manufacturers of circular knitting machines, both
Italian and European, has permitted them to reach a high quality product
with these characteristics: - high precision (cylinders and dials can be
fitted in any position - no 'zero' mark); - long life (due to their
induction heat treatment; all corners, especially above trick walls, are
rounded to minimize sinkers and needles mechanical wear); - high
- Cylinders
- Dials
- Sinkers Rings
- Circular Knitting Machinery Spare Parts
(Germany) SMC has been supplying high-tech knitting machine
components to satisfied customers around the world for over 30 years. SMC
produces cylinders, dials and sinker rings to meet the specific requirements
of individual customers. For machines of almost every system, make or type.
In diameters ranging from 7" to 60". In gauges of E3 to E46.
- Cylinders
- Dials
- Sinker Rings
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