The speed of change sweeping through Eastern Europe in
the late 1980s and early 1990s took the world by surprise. After decades of
looking inwards, markets started to open up in East European countries, and
the region began to welcome foreign investment. The report looks at the
textile and clothing industries in the four countries. It gives a brief
overview of each country's political and economic features and provides
analyses of the textile and clothing industries in terms of: history,
location and size; production trends; material supply, technology and
manpower; foreign trade; joint ventures; and future prospects.
- Volume 1
- Chapter 1: Regional Survey
Chapter 2: From a Command Economy to Market Economy
Chapter 3: Textiles and Clothing in Eastern Europe: A
Statistical Overview
Chapter 4: Business Opportunities
- Volume 2
- Chapter 5: Vis
grad Countries:
Czech Republic
Chapter 6: Vis grad Countries: Hungary
Chapter 7: Vis grad Countries: Poland
Chapter 8: Vis grad Countries: Slovakia
- Volume 3
- Chapter 9: Southern Europe:
Chapter 10: Southern Europe: Bosnia
Chapter 11: Southern Europe: Bulgaria
Chapter 12: Southern Europe: Croatia
Chapter 13: Southern Europe: Macedonia
Chapter 14: Southern Europe: Romania
Chapter 15: Southern Europe: Serbia
Chapter 16: Southern Europe: Slovenia
- Volume 4
- Chapter 17: Baltic States:
Chapter 18: Baltic States: Latvia
Chapter 19: Baltic States: Lithuania
Chapter 20: CIS: Armenia
Chapter 21: CIS: Azerbaijan
Chapter 22: CIS: Belarus
Chapter 23: CIS: Georgia
Chapter 24: CIS: Kazakhstan
Chapter 25: CIS: Kyrgyzstan
Chapter 26: CIS: Moldova
Chapter 27: CIS: Russia
Chapter 28: CIS: Tajikistan
Chapter 29: CIS: Turkmenistan
Chapter 30: CIS: Ukraine
Chapter 31: CIS: Uzbekistan
Chapter 32: Future Prospects
The Textile Industry
and Apparel Industry Reports in this section have been developed and
maintained by Textile Intelligence. |
The Textile Industry
and Apparel Industry Reports in this section have been developed and
maintained by Textile Intelligence.
Textiles Intelligence is a provider
of global business information to the international fibre, textile and
apparel industry. The company was formed in 1992 as a spin-off from the
Economist Intelligence Unit and has customers in more than 60 countries
spread across five continents. Textiles Intelligence publishes Textile
Outlook International six times a year and Technical Textile Markets
every quarter. It also offers over 30 in-depth research reports covering
global sectors such as man-made fibres and nonwovens, geographical
regions such as South East Asia and Eastern Europe and topics such as
internationalisation and sourcing. |