Clothing Industry Favorites: At least we think they are favorites ...  

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Warning:  We often find viewers entering this page, but we rarely see viewers exit.  Although the contents of this page can easily improve the efficiency of your work by approx. 87 %  (possibly even 94 %), we strongly suggest that you don't over utilize this area.  Do "not" view this page for more than 9 straight hours.  When your work is done, regardless of your enjoyment, you must go home. 

◊ Our new favorite resource for the fashion industry is the Fashion Industry Network.

◊ Our favorite fashion blog (it's ours).

If you want to know more about customs, check out the US Customs Official Web Site

Do you know how to
convert currency from US dollars to Hong Kong dollars?  Visit our Currency Conversion page.

I need to order 9 ounce fabric but my factory is quoting  prices based on grams.  Please help me convert weight, length etc. Try our Calculator page.

We went shopping the other day and found a great sweater.  I wish I knew which one of my competitors manufactured this sweater.   Here is an idea... I will look them up by the RN #  or CA # that is listed on the care label.

Those darn care symbols.  What is the correct symbol & what is the correct order in which I am required to place the symbols?  The Clorox company has created Label Talk to make this easy for us.

They told me that they sent my check in an overnight parcel.  Well it's not here yet.  Where the heck is my package?  Lets find out by Tracking The Shipment.

Did you know that a "hessian boot" is a high boot that extends to just below the knee and is commonly ornamented with a tassel and that it was introduced into England by the Hessians early in the 19th century.  You can find other definitions in our Apparel Glossary.  If the Apparel Search glossary is not enough, try the clothing definition section.

Everyone is so picky about quality testing and standards.  I guess I better learn about Test Methods from the AATCC.

Are you tired of searching for apparel?   Search for "anything" using our convenient Search Engine page.

News, fashion news, and more news...
What is going on in the world of apparel?  Lets check  the News Page.

Take this Job and shove it !!!  It may be a time for a new job.  Let's see what is available on the Employment Page.

That coffee sure does scold, but I can at least get the stain out.

Did you want to learn about NAFTA? The North American Free Trade Agreement.

My boss is so cheap.  He will be thrilled if I can save a few bucks by calculating the most economical way to ship my overnight package.  Try the shipping cost calculators.

If you are looking to improve you fashion career, it may be time to move up in the world.  If you are currently feeling as if you are not progressing at your current company, you may wish to see employment opportunities else were.  We suggest you investigate the Fashion Job Search website.

I wish I had a map so that when I quit my job I could find a faster way out of town. (It is also good when I have a hot shipment and the trucker is lost)  Note: we added this as a favorite before everyone had smart phones with GPS (maybe it is time to remove maps from our favorites)

If you enjoy trend spotting or simply need to stay on top of the ever changing fashion landscape, we suggest you visit Fashion Week Photos.  This is a wonderful site for viewing fashion trends.

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