Analytical Services, Ltd
(United Kingdom) :. Testing laboratory, specialised in fiber composition
analysis and performance testing of yarns and textile fabrics. Detailed
descriptions of test methods available. Price list. Conversion tables.
Australian Wool Testing Authority
Ltd - Government institute involved in the testing of wool fiber
prior to sale, textile fabrics, carpets, geotextiles and reflective
surfaces, and physical and chemical testing for the grain, food and feed
industries. Also active in the development and implementation of
national and international standards, procedures, methods and
technologies. Extensive library of articles. History of Australian wool.
B-Tex Laboratory (India) :
Full service research, development and testing institute for man-made
fiber, yarns, textiles and textile chemicals. Also, manufacturers of
testing instruments, and providing technical engineering services.
BTTG. British Textile Technology
Group (United Kingdom) :. Independent UKAS accredited testing and certification
laboratory for the apparel, technical textiles, nonwovens, floor
covering and construction industries. Detailed lists of services and
publications on PDF files.
Caltex, Ltda (Chile) : Independent
laboratory for testing, and quality control and certification in the
textile, leather, footwear and geotechnical industries. English and
CO.DE.TEX. Group (Italy) : Group
of companies involved in full service testing, quality and process
control, and inspection activities for the textile and apparel
industries. Also, logistic services, and customized information systems.
Links to related sites.
Color Solutions
International (USA) : Providers of color communication services.
Customised and engineered color standards. Textile testing and
environmental auditing services. Part of the DyStar Group.
Faserinstitut Bremen eV
(Germany) : Independent testing and research institution, active in
natural fibers production and processing technologies and methods.
Testing programs for cotton and wool fiber for producers, manufacturers
and merchants.
International, Ltd (United Kingdom) :. Independent testing laboratory for
textiles, and textile and leather goods. Also, technical consultancy and
organizers of training courses. List of test methods. Conversion chart.
Links to related sites. Part of Intertek Group PLC.
The Fibre Lab (United
Kingdom) :. Independent laboratory involved in fiber evaluation services
for cashmere, wool, mohair, alpaca, llama, guanaco and vicuña fibers.
Also, technical consultancy and breeding advice. Fiber testing pricing
FILK. Forschungsinstitut für
Leder und Kunststoffbahnen Freiberg (Germany) : Non-profit research
and testing institute for the plastics, leather, textile and nonwovens
industries. Also, organizers of conferences, seminars and courses.
Listing of testing services.
FITI (Korea) : Internationally
accredited testing and inspection institute for textile, paper,
plastics, rubber, leather and resin based industrial and consumer goods.
Comprehensive list of available services.
The Govmark Organization, Inc
(USA) : Independent laboratory for fire and flammability testing services
for the textile, plastics and construction industries. Directory of
tests, searchable by product and test method.
GuT (Germany) : Cooperative project
of the European carpet industry. Testing services for carpet related raw
materials, finished products and installation procedures. Promotion of
environmentally responsible recycling solutions. Links to European
environmental legislation, governing bodies and general information.
Multi-lingual site.
IMO Group (Switzerland) :
Multi-national group of laboratories providing inspection and
certification services to companies active in agriculture, forestry,
natural fibers and textiles, and are manufacturing and processing
according to ecologically responsible standards.
Integrated Paper
Services, Inc (USA) : Independent laboratory for all-round quality,
property and chemical testing, and image analysing services for the
paper, nonwovens and fiber industries.
International Textile Center
(USA) : Texas Tech University auxiliary, conducting textile research,
testing and evaluation of natural and man-made fibers, yarns and
fabrics, and textile manufacturing, dyeing and finishing systems and
processes. List of publications.
Intertek Group, PLC - World
wide group of testing laboratories for the textile, footwear, toys,
petroleum and chemicals industries. Also, ISO certification and related
ITT Sas (Italy) :
Independent multi-national company, involved in quality control,
testing, auditing and certification in the textile, apparel and footwear
industries. English and Italian.
JSTIIF. Japan Synthetic Textile
Inspection Institute Foundation (Japan) Independent group of
institutes providing testing services for the natural and man-made
fiber, textile, chemical, papermaking, rubber and leather processing
Macaulay Institute (United
Kingdom) :.
Multidisciplinary-based research institute specialised in soil, plant
and animal sciences, geography, socio-economics and information
technology. Laboratory evaluation and testing services for animal hair
and fiber.
NAMSA. North American Science
Associates, Inc (USA) : Independent laboratory with affiliates
worldwide. Provides biological, chemical and physical testing services
to the medical device industry, and offers education, consultation and
on-site evaluation of customer operations. Bioburden and
biocompatibillity testing for nonwovens, produced for medical end uses.
New World Textile Testing Laboratory
(USA) : Independent full-service textile testing laboratory. Detailed
list of test methods available, including prices. On-line ordering
New Zealand Wool Testing Authority,
Ltd : Independent organization for sampling, testing and quality
certification of New Zealand wool fibers. Searchable directory of wool
processors and traders, dump stores and shipping companies.
Nottingham Consultants, Ltd (United Kingdom) :. Commercial company of the
Nottingham Trent University. Business consultants and services, and
organization of short courses and training programs. Color fastness,
dimensional stability and physical testing services for the textile
Österreichisches Textil-Forschungsinstitut - Austria. Accredited
testing and certification institute, active in fiber and polymer
technology, textiles, flooring, construction, and health and ecology.
Consulting and educational services. English and German.
PFI Pirmasens
eV (Germany) : Non-profit institute for testing and research, active
in analytical chemistry, microbiological studies, biotechnology,
certification of product and systems, testing equipment and special
machinery, and software development. Also, marketing a wide range of
testing instruments, materials and equipment. English and German.
Precision Testing
Laboratories (USA) : Independent testing laboratory, specialised in
physical and chemical testing of textiles and nonwovens, apparel,
footwear and leather. List of capabilities.
SGS Group (Switzerland) :
Multi-national group of laboratories, active in testing, verification
and certification of materials and products. Testing and evaluation of
natural and synthetic fibers, textile fabrics and waste, and garments.
SgT Group (China) :
Multi-national group of companies, involved in production monitoring and
quality control, product safety evaluation and testing of textile
fabrics, home textiles, garments and fashion accessories.
Specialised Technology Resources,
Inc (USA) : Independent testing institute with laboratories world
wide. Quality assurance, polymer research, product and process
engineering and specialty manufacturing. Material and product testing
services for the textile, nonwovens and leather industries.
STR Laboratories AS
(Turkey) : Contract laboratory for quality control, inspection, auditing
and certification for raw materials, finished goods and consumer
products. Part of Specialised Technology Resources, Inc.
Tension Technology
International, Inc (USA) : Multi-national group of consultants
specialised in ropes, textiles and marine systems. Design and testing
services for fibers, yarns and textile fabrics. Fiber identification
guide. Technical textile software. Technical papers on PDF files.
Testex AG (Switzerland) :
Independent textile testing institute. Chemical analysis, mechanical and
electronic testing of fibers, yarns and fabrics, and consulting on
ecological management issues. English, German and French.
TexTesT (USA) : Independent
full-service certified laboratory, specialised in testing and evaluation
of yarns, textile fabrics and ready-made garments, and nonwoven fabrics
and finished products. List of available test methods.
Textile Testing Institute (Czech
Republic) : Accredited testing laboratory for fibers, textiles, apparel, geosynthetics, nonwovens, upholstery and toys. Complete list of tests.
English and Czech.
Textiles Committee
(India) : Department of the Indian Ministry of Textiles, involved in
testing, quality inspection and certification, and market research and
technical consulting services.
TTS. Textile Testing Services (Canada) : Independent, commercial
analysis and testing services center for the textile and apparel
industries, based in the University of Manitoba's Human Ecology Faculty.
Vutch-Chemitex spol sro (Slovakia)
: Institute for textile and nonwovens testing and chemistry,
focused on automobile carpets, textile auxiliaries, textile finishing
technologies, and the development of testing methods, standards and
testing equipment. Also, technical consultancy services. English and
Wool Research Association
(India) : Technical consulting, product research and development, quality
assurance and testing services institute for the Indian textile
Wool Testing Authority Europe,
Ltd (United Kingdom) :. Independent and internationally licensed
testing company for wool fleeces, greasy and scoured wool, and wool
tops. Also, providers of a full range of custom textile testing
Yocom-McColl (USA) : Independent
commercial wool laboratory specialized in yield and fiber diameter, and
textile manufacturing process testing services. Extensive directory of