Men's Ties Guide
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Are you actually looking for men's ties? Well, we
hope you are because the reality is that you have found our men's tie page.
In this area of the Apparel Search directory, you will find all sorts of
interesting information regarding ties for men.
A necktie, or simply tie, is a long piece of cloth worn for
decorative purposes around the neck, resting under the shirt collar and knotted
at the throat.
Variants include the ascot tie, bow tie, bolo tie, zipper
tie, cravat and clip-on tie.
About knots:
A knot is a method of fastening or securing linear material
such as rope by tying or interweaving. It may consist of a length of one or several
segments of rope, string, webbing, twine, strap, or even chain interwoven such that
the line can bind to itself or to some other object (the "load"). Knots have been
the subject of interest for their ancient origins, their common uses, and the area
of mathematics known as knot theory.
About Necktie Knots:
There are four main knots used to knot neckties. In rising
order of difficulty, they are:
- four-in-hand knot. The four-in-hand knot may be the
most common.
- Pratt knot (the Shelby knot)
- half-Windsor knot
- Windsor knot (also redundantly called the "full Windsor").
The Windsor knot is the thickest knot of the four, since its tying has the most
Other types of knots include the following:
- the small knot (also "oriental knot", "Kent knot"):
the smallest possible necktie knot. It forms an equilateral triangle, like the
half-Windsor, but much more compact (Fink–Mao notation: Lo Ri Co T, Knot 1).
It is also the smallest knot to begin inside-out.
- the Nicky knot: an alternative version of the Pratt
knot, but better-balanced and self-releasing (Lo Ci Ro Li Co T, Knot 4). Supposedly
named for Nikita Krushchev, it tends to be equally referred to as the Pratt
knot in men's style literature. This is the version of the Pratt knot favored
by Fink and Mao.
- the Atlantic knot: a reversed Pratt knot, highlighting
the structure of the knot normally hidden on the back. In order for the wide
blade to remain in front and rightside-out, the knot must begin rightside-out,
and the thin end must be wrapped around the wide end. (Ri Co Ri Lo Ci T; not
catalogued by Fink and Mao, but would be numbered 5r according to their classification.)
- the Prince Albert knot (also "double knot", "cross Victoria
knot"): A variant of the four-in-hand with an extra pass of the wide blade around
the front, before passing the wide blade through both of the resultant loops
(Li Ro Li Ro Li Co T T, Knot 62). A version knotted through only the outermost
loop is known as the Victoria knot (Li Ro Li Ro Li Co T, Knot 6).
- the Christensen knot (also "cross knot"): An elongated,
symmetrical knot, whose main feature is the cruciform structure made by knotting
the necktie through the double loop made in the front (Li Ro Ci Lo Ri Lo Ri
Co T T, Knot 252). While it can be made with modern neckties, it is most effective
with thinner ties of consistent width, which fell out of common use after the
19th century.
- the Edeity knot (also "Merovingian knot"): a doubled
Atlantic knot, best known as the tie knot worn by the character "the Merovingian"
in the film The Matrix Reloaded. This tie can be knotted with the thin end over
the wide end, as with the Atlantic knot, or with the wide end over the thin
end to mimic the look seen in the film, with the narrow blade in front. (Ri
Co Ri Lo Ci Ri Co Ri Lo Ci T; not catalogued by Fink and Mao, as its ten moves
exceed their parameters.)
The codes above to tying the knots is from the book, "The
85 Ways to Tie a Tie" (ISBN 1-84115-249-8) which is a book by Thomas Fink and Yong
Mao. The authors were research fellows at Cambridge University's Cavendish Laboratory.
Below is how to use the codes.

Learn more about
how to tie neckwear.
Apparel Search is a leading guide to fashion, style, clothing,
glam and all things relevant to apparel. We hope that you find this Men's
Ties page to be helpful.
What ever you are wearing around your neck (unless it is
a noose) is in fashion this season.
You an also see the men's neckwear and bow ties sections.
It is always a fabulous day to learn more about men's
Men's Clothing Directory:
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