Welcome to the vicuna fiber directory
section of the Apparel Search website. In this section, you will
find educational information and links to resources relevant to
vicuna fibers. If you work in the apparel industry or simply have
an interest in vicuna textiles, this is the area for you. If you do
not find enough information in this section of our vicuna
fibers guide, you may wish to check the
textile section or go back to the
fiber directory main
page for additional
textile fiber choices.
If you work for a company that supplies
vicuna textile products, you can use the add your company link at
the bottom of this page to create a listing on the Apparel
Search vicuna directory pages.
If you wish to read more
about vicuna, don't forget to visit
textile news section.
More specifically, view the
textile fiber news area.
Also, if you work in the fashion industry or textile industry,
please join us at the
fashion industry
network for discussions about the use of vicuna.
Nation: AlpacaNation.com is an Internet
Web site uniquely devoted to the alpaca industry. AN is specifically
designed to bring the industry's global community of alpaca breeders,
owners, and suppliers into a centralized marketplace on the Internet.
Its presence on the World Wide Web allows alpaca owners to freely access
the most complete and current market information at any time and from
any location in the world.
Doon Alpacas:
their alpaca ranch is nestled in the California coastal mountains and is
open to visitors by appointment. Whether you're an experienced alpaca
breeder or new to these unique and beautiful animals you will enjoy
working with Eric Hoffman, owner of Bonny Doon Alpacas. His enthusiasm
and love for alpacas has influenced the development of the alpaca
business in North America for the last fifteen years.
Sociedad Nacional de la Vicuna del Peru (SNV): Vicuna association of Peru. (Profile)

Learn more about
women's vicuna coats.
Learn about
men's vicuna coats.
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