Wearable Fashion Trends

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This might be the most ridiculous term we have ever heard.  Isn't all fashion "wearable"?  We simply don't understand why someone would have come up with the idea of "wearable fashion".  Today while browsing the web we noticed articles such as "top wearable fashion trends".  Also, we see that Youtube has videos with "wearable fashion" as part of the title or description.  Again, wouldn't all fashion be technically wearable? 

Wearable clothing is essentially easy to wear clothes or clothing that is suitable to wear.  It is an item that can be worn.  Wearable means capable of being worn; appropriate, suitable, or ready for wearing.

What decisions come into play when deciding on the "top wearable fashion trends" of the season?

Now, if we are talking about wearable technology, that makes sense.  Due to the fact that not all technology is wearable, it does make sense to identify wearable technology as a unique category of clothing.

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What are the best wearable trends for the season?  Learn about what fashion is trending at the moment.

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