Maturialism in Fashion by Apparel Search - Terms of Interest to the Fashion Industry

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Maturialism: Short for “mature materialism,” this trend revolves around consumers’ increasing receptiveness to products, services and advertising campaigns which are edgy, controversial and push social boundaries.

According to, maturialism relates to Baby Boomers’ determination to treat themselves to high-end goods, services, and experiences simply because they can afford them.’ This trend is playing out through the rise in sales of luxury apartments, international travel, designer furniture and appliances, luxury cars, and motorbikes.

It's not just larger consumer goods that Baby Boomers are upgrading, but they are treating themselves to higher-end cosmetics, food, wine, and, of course fashion. They are also taking a step up in quality and price range now that the children have left home. A precursor and related consumer trend to maturialism is known as SKI-ing - or Spending the Kids’ Inheritance - the term derived from a popular bumper sticker.

The maturialism trend represents a vital combination of 'mature' consumers pursuing a seemingly restrained 'best of the best' materialism. In other words, they are driving the trend in ditching mundane goods and services for more professional, premium or sassier versions. From heavy duty power tools to state-of-the-art cameras to grown-up ice-cream flavors, and more.

The delights associated with maturialism are enjoyed on a more intimate level: the pleasure of consuming (and sometimes subtly showing off) premium goods and services, with the 'professional-grade' or 'mature' label justifying the purchase of items that might otherwise have been considered 'flashy'.

The ‘risqué’ part of maturalism makes for fun material and the trend will become about more mature, real conversations with customers. It will be about educating consumers about the products and services sold, how to make the most of them, or about displaying the same transparency and openness about a brand's processes and actions as individual consumers now display about their own lives.

Another source describes maturialism as a desire by adults to move beyond the “dumbed-down” teen/tween culture that dominates everyday life to pursue a higher quality of products and services.

By Regina Cooper - August 2010

If you are interested in reading another "ism" term, you may want to read about minimalism in fashion.

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