We think that your fingers may have been moving faster then your brain. You have searched for the word fashin, but you might have accidentally missed the letter "O". The proper spelling is FASHION.
Do not feel too bad about the situation. We have found that you are not
alone. Many people type too fast or simply to not understand that the word
fashion is NOT spelled "fashin" or "fashun". We actually have several
apparel industry websites, so we understand that the word is often spelled
incorrectly. Actually, the word apparel is also often spelled wrong as
Anyway, we understand if you simply made an error. That is totally fine.
Why did we create this page?
Well, the answer is rather simple. Our company manages several fashion industry websites. Many of which are educational resources for members of the international fashion community. Although we are based in the United States, many of our readers are from other countries. Certainly, English is a popular language around the world, but we must be understanding of the fact that not everyone knows how to spell words in the English language properly. As a matter of fact, English is my primary language and I always accidentally spell words incorrectly... Anyway, our goal is to help viewers from around the globe understand that FASHION is spelled F-A-S-H-I-O-N and not fashin.
Fashion = correct spelling
Fashin = wrong spelling
Fashun = wrong spelling
Fashan = wrong spelling
If you have any question about the proper spelling, please feel free to contact us.
Learn about fashion.
Note: Possibly their is a word called fashin that we have not yet heard about. If that is the case, we apologize for stating that the word fashin does not exist.