Fashion brand logos are very important to the clothing industry. A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition.
Learn more about fashion logos from the fashion logo designs term page.
Logos and their design may be protected by copyright, via various intellectual property organizations worldwide which make available application procedures to register a design to give it protection at law.
Learn about trademark protection at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Since a logo is the visual entity signifying a brand or organization, logo design is an important area of graphic design. A graphic designer is a professional within the graphic design and graphic arts industry who assembles together images, typography , or motion graphics to create a piece of design. When creating a logo for clothing, the artist generally has a limited amount of space and a limited number of colors to work with. It is important to keep in mind that the logo will go on garment labels and sometimes will be printed or embroidered directly onto the clothing. Therefore technical aspects need to be considered. Creating a photo realistic logo may not always be practical.
Logos are a critical component of fashion brand identity. If you think about some of the most popular fashion brands, you may have noticed that they have a logo that is recognizable. If you need a refresher on the available brands, you can browse our fashion brands section.
See if you can recognize some of the popular fashion brands by playing the Fashion Logo Game.
See an example of the worlds most important fashion logos.
Looking for inspiration? Or do you need a logo designed for your fashion business? You may need to hire a professional fashion logo designer.
The world of fashion is enormous. Sometimes a little fashion summary can be advantageous.
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