Join us for discussions about vintage fashion or vintage fabrics at the Vintage Fashion Group.
Antique fabric: Antique
and vintage fabric, trims and feedsacks. Antique
fabrics from the mid-19th century through the 1960's. While they specialize
in cottons for quilters, they also have a selection of 1930's-50's rayons
for costumes and swing era dresses; lawn, dimity and organza for doll costumers;
and silks, satins and brocades for crazy quilters. They also offer
vintage feedsacks, antique cigarette silks, lace, trims and buttons.
Carol Telfer Antique
Quilts and Textiles: Specializes in a wide variety of antique textiles
including quilts, hooked rugs, woven blankets, needlework samplers and folk
M. Finkel & Daughter:
Dealer of antique samplers, needlework and silk embroidery website provides
a wealth of information and research on antique American schoolgirl samplers,
needlework and silk embroideries. Morris Finkel
first opened an antiques store on Pine Street in Philadelphia in November
of 1947, continuing a family tradition in the antiques trade. Pine Street
had been the historic antiques district in Philadelphia for over one hundred
years and was obviously the perfect location for a business selling period
antiques. Located at the corner of 10th and Pine Streets, the business began
and remains in a circa 1810 building with two floors of antique furniture
from the 18th and 19th centuries, a large collection of period accessories
and most importantly, an internationally acclaimed selection of antique
samplers, needlework and silk embroideries from the 17th through the mid
19th centuries, which is now the cornerstone of the business. In 1975,
daughter, Amy Finkel, joined him, making this business a true family venture.
Revival fabrics: Vintage
fabrics from the 1920s:1970s including cotton, retro, silk, polyester, barkcloth,
dotted swiss, rayon, organdy, and home decorating textiles.
Sharon's Antiques: Assortment
of vintage and antique fabrics, feedsacks, linens, quilts and other textiles.
If you found enough antique textiles maybe you also have interest in searching the Amazon database for vintage clothing designs. Or if you have interest in a wide variety of antiques, the following page of Antiques may be of interest to you.
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