Payless Shoesource
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Payless said that all partners should receive their gift coupons packages today along with a personal letter from Matthew E. Rubel, chairman and chief executive officer of Collective Brands, Inc., which owns Payless, with a special request to get the coupons into the hands of the children that need them in time for the holidays. The quantity of gift coupons per agency was based on agency size and the number of constituents served. Packages landing today include as many as 200 coupons for some agencies. Many agencies will also provide transportation for group shopping trips to the local Payless stores. Kids will start shopping today for their free shoes,said Rubel. A great pair of shoes can lift spirits, bolster self confidence and bring a huge smile to a child's face. The recipient children can actually select their own shoes -- which will be an even more inspiring experience for them. Together, with our partners, we are thrilled to deliver a true gift to so many families this holiday season. Payless initiated the new program in response to the economic crisis, its impact on the underprivileged, the significant need across the United States for children's shoes, and to support smaller, localized nonprofits with a tool to assist them in helping those in need this holiday season. The company launched the program on Nov. 11 with a call to action to the non-profit community to apply to be partners in the national shoe-gifting campaign with an aim to build a network of localized organizations across the nation for immediate, direct access to kids in need. In a 10-day application period, the retailer received more than 2,500 applicants at its application website and inquiries from more than 3,000 U.S. cities nationwide. The application period is now closed. We were overwhelmed by the response from the non-profit community to join us in this important effort to give a free pair of shoes to children in need this holiday season,said Rubel. Our intent is to work with and through a diverse network of localized non-profits that have direct and immediate access to the children. Our chosen partners 630 in all -- represent every state and a diverse group of non-profits located in small towns, mid-sized and large cities, as well as rural areas so that we can blanket the nation and most effectively reach those in need. Greater
Horizons of Kansas City, also a nonprofit, served as the
independent third-party to manage the selection process based on
Payless For a complete list of the 630 Payless Gives Shoes 4 Kids partners by state and city, please go to Included will be organization name with a link to its website. About Payless
Payless ShoeSource, Inc., a unit of
Collective Brands, Inc., is the largest specialty family
footwear retailer in the Western Hemisphere and is dedicated to
democratizing fashion and design in footwear and accessories and
inspiring fun, fashion possibilities for the family at a great
value. As of the end of third quarter 2008, the
company operated more than 4,500 stores. In addition, customers
can buy shoes over the Internet through Collective Brands, Inc. (NYSE: PSS) is a leader in bringing compelling lifestyle, fashion and performance brands for footwear and related accessories to consumers worldwide. The company operates three strategic units covering a powerful brand portfolio, as well as multiple price points and selling channels including retail, wholesale, ecommerce and licensing. Collective Brands, Inc. includes Payless ShoeSource, focused on democratizing fashion and design in footwear and accessories through its more than 4,500-store retail chain, with its brands American Eagle , Airwalk , Dexter , Champion and designer collections Abaet for Payless, Lela Rose for Payless and alice + olivia for Payless, among others; Stride Rite, focused on lifestyle and athletic branded footwear and high-quality children's footwear sold primarily through wholesaling, with its brands including Stride Rite , Keds , Sperry Top-sider , Robeez , and Saucony , among others; and Collective Licensing International, the brand development, management and global licensing unit, with such youth lifestyle brands as Airwalk , Vision Street Wear , Sims , Lamar and LTD , World Snowboarding Championships , Sugarboards , Carve , genetic , Dukes , Rage , Ultra-wheels , and Skate Attack brands. Information about, and links for shopping on, each of the Collective Brand's units can be found at About Greater Horizons Greater Horizons helps donors across the entire Kansas and Missouri region connect with local and national charitable causes and encourages donors, no matter where they live, to reconnect with causes in their hometown. * Excluding Payless stores located in Shopko stores.
Payless Giving Free Shoes to Charity Learn more about Payless Learn more about Collective Brands. Read more Footwear News.
Laura Poretzky Abaete Payless Fall 2008 Collection
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