second annual Northern Virginia
Fashion Week (NOVAFW) is
scheduled to take place February
20 - February 27, 2010 in
McLean, VA. The week long
spectacle of events will
continue to support Northern
Virginia, and surrounding areas,
as an unrecognized fashion Mecca
by promoting fashion businesses,
highlighting fashion trends and
supporting students in their
pursuit to make a name for
themselves within the fashion
industry. Fashion Week is
designed to give patrons and
industry-insiders an eagle eye
view of the most sophisticated
styles that Northern Virginia
has to offer, and opens their
minds to a new and creative
dynasty building in this region.
Tyons Corner Center the event
partner, which encompasses more
than 2.4 million square feet of
retail space and over 300 stores
including such big names like
Nordstrom, Lord & Taylor and
Bloomingdales, will serve as the
venue for the Fall Fashion Week
by hosting the week long events
underneath the big tents,
including the Lupus Foundation
Charity Gala, designer showcases
and workshops.
"Being able to partner with
Tysons Corner Center will allow
us to produce a fall and spring
Fashion Week starting in 2010.
Our Fall fashion week in Feb was
a stepping stone and we have to
continue providing a standardize
fashion week in this region."
says Andrew Roby, Executive
Director of NOVAFW.
Because staff
and Board members of NOVAFW are
directly affected by Lupus
through family members, NOVAFW
thought of no better way to be a
leader in finding a cure than to
dedicate its proceeds to the
Lupus Foundation of America to
help aide them in their
continuing efforts to conduct
on-going research for a cure.
In setting the stage for the
upcoming Fall Fashion Week,
NOVAFW has launched its new Web
site that will allow visitors to
donate to Lupus and read about
the latest happenings during
fashion week. The website will
also showcase the efforts of
NOVAFW and their partners in
becoming a Fair Trade and
Eco-friendly fashion week.
Access to designer shows and
event line up will be available
beginning in December.
In our continuing effort to
support the up-and-coming
designers of tomorrow, an awards
package will be offered to a
student from area's fashion
schools as a part of the student
designer competition. This is
competition will challenge
students to excel at their
Supporters of the upcoming
NOVAFW already include the WDCW
50 TV, Falls Church News Press,
Tru Images Management Group, DC
Professionals in the City, The
Dessy Group, Pangea Organics,
Indulge Mobile Spa, and Martini
Gold. Businesses which are
interested in becoming a
corporate sponsor should contact
Reginald W. Turner, at
1-800-900-7501, ext 48 or
For further information on
NOVAFW and its schedule visit: