Mackenzie Rodgers
If you wish to contact Mackenzie Rodgers with a job opportunity, please contact us. When you contact us, be certain to indicate that you are interested in hiring one of the "Apparel Search Models". Be certain to include the name Mackenzie Rodgers in your request. | ||
Name | Mackenzie Rodgers | |
Sex | Female | |
Age | 19 Born; July 1981 |
Hair Color | Blonde | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Height | 5' 5" - 5' 6" | |
Weight | 100 lbs. | |
Dress Size | 0-3 |
Contact Us to hire Mackenzie Rodgers |
Pant Size | 1-3 | |
Shirt Size | Small | Well my first name is Mackenzie and I'll be 20 in 6 months. I love to read books such as mystery, true life, and poetry. I write my own poetry and am currently working on a book. I hope to write my own life story to help others out during rough times in their lives. I love animals. I find it amazing that they can understand us so well without having to say a word. I love clothes. If I could live in the mall I would. I love having my hair and make up done. I think being made over to look like a totally different person is one of the things I like about modeling. That and wearing the best clothes. One day I hope to have my own store selling books and clothes I have designed.. I just have to learn how to draw and sew first! |
Shoe Size | 6 | |
State | Florida | |
Country | ||