Drying / Flashing / Curing Machinery for Apparel & Textiles
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Search for drying equipment manufacturers and drying machine manufacturers for the apparel industry and textile industry.

fashion directory  Black Body /  BBC Industries Inc.: They provide a conveyor dryer and a three zone spot dryer.

fashion directory  CAPS Convex Apparel Printing  (CAPS): They provide dual capability dryer; 8 foot infrared textile dryer.  They also manufacturer a flash cure unit which offers 2,400 watts of heat.

fashion directory  Danti Paolo EC. Srl  (Italy): Machine Manufacturer.  Raising, Shearing, Polishing, Brushing, Sueding, Multi Layer Drying Tenters.

fashion directory  DeSpain Engineering Babcock GSH  : they manufacturer drying machinery for textiles and apparel.  The Babcock-BSH group consists of independent companies divided into three segments on the basis of product and market aspects. Within the mechanical engineering division of the Deutsche Babcock Group they are directed in an atmosphere of fair and frank cooperation, in line with jointly developed objectives and strategies.  DeSpain Engineering and Babcock-BSH have a Partnership/agent agreement which allows DeSpain Engineering to manufacture and sell Babcock-BSH equipment throughout North America, including: Canada, The United States, and Mexico.   Address:  935 - D East Mountain Street  Kernersville, NC 27284  USA  Phone: 336-996-0692  Fax: 336-996-8573

fashion directory  H. Krantz Textiltechnik (Germany): machinery for the finishing of woven and knitted fabrics. A leading supplier of high-quality textile machineryThe Krantz textile machinery program includes:

fashion directory  Hix Corporation: Durable economy dryer.

fashion directory  Intek Corporation:They have an AutoFlash heater that is a small portable automatic unit that is activated by a standard foot pedal and /or an optional limit switch.  They manufacturer flash units and tunnel oven.

fashion directory  M&R Sales & Service Inc.: They sell infrared dyrers, gas dryers and flash cure systems. 

fashion directory  Odyssey Screen Printing Equipment : they manufacture screen printing equipment and dryers.  Address:  Odyssey Screen Printing Equipment  3617 E. La Salle Street Phoenix, AZ 85040 Phone: 602-437-2305 FAX: 602-437-2270  E-mail:  sales@odysseyspe.com

fashion directory  Ranar Manufacturing Company: The Ranar Trubo JetStar conveyor dryer is said to be loaded with features that make curing printed garments a snap.

fashion directory  R Jennings Manufacturing    They have been serving the screen printing industry since 1980.  They produce textile printing and drying machinery.

fashion directory  Screen Machine: Their conveyor dryer features a fully insulated chamber for maximum energy and curing efficiency and has a solid-state variable belt speed control spanning 0-35 feet per minute.

fashion directory  Sullair: provides air with a dewpoint to
40 F for air compressors.  Modular design allows for multiple dryers for higher capacity.  The device uses twin towers, one for drying and the other for regenerating and purging.

fashion directory  Tuff Products International Inc.: Their flashback automatic flashcure unit allows printing and flashing of a garment on the same press head.  Multiple flashbacks can be linked together to accommodate any flashing need.

fashion directory  Tulkar (Turkey): TOLKAR Tumble Dryers are designed and produced to fully dry the washed and extracted laundry. An ideal machine for especially towels, personal and kitchen apparel. Any towels dried in natural conditions are worn, harden and hurt the user. But all tissues of towels dried in a tumble drier, absorbing ability increase and become as soft as cotton. In steam heated driers, copper-aliminium heaters (conductive, fast heated, long life, easy-to-maintane) are used.Bearing core shaft drive system is used in TOLKAR driers instead of useless rubber brake system.

fashion directory  Vastex International Inc.: Provides a modular electric infrared dryer that is expandable in three-foot increments.

fashion directory  Workhorse products: They produce spot dryers and infrared convection dryers for garments.

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