Importing Clothing Into the United States

Shipping  Customs  Exporting  Manufacturing Clothes  World

In international trade, the importation and exportation of goods are limited by import quotas and mandates from the customs authority. The importing and exporting jurisdictions may impose a tariff (tax) on the goods. In addition, the importation and exportation of goods are subject to trade agreements between the importing and exporting jurisdictions.

An import is clothing, footwear, fashion accessories, or other products brought into a jurisdiction, especially across a national border, from an external source. The party bringing in the good is called an importer.

Sending goods offshore or becoming an offshore manufacturing resource means dealing with the logistics of shipping and freight handling, the laws governing imports and exports, duties and tariffs, and the need to move products from a port of entry to a point of distribution.

Data on the international apparel trade in goods are mostly obtained through declarations to custom services. If a country applies the general trade system, all goods entering the country are recorded as imports.

What does the United States import a very large portion of it's clothing & shoes?

The typical response is that, "companies import goods and services to supply to the domestic market at a cheaper price and some times better quality than competing goods manufactured in the domestic market".  This is not to say that clothes produced in other countries is always cheaper or of better quality.  In fact, clothing manufactured in the United States is typically produced at a very high quality standard.  Fashion industry imports are most often decided based on "cost" as opposed to quality.

American Importers Association: AAEI is the premier trade organization representing U.S. companies engaged in global trade. We are recognized as technical experts regarding the day-to-day import and export of goods including the facilitation of global trade. AAEI advocates on behalf of U.S. companies on trade policy issues before the U.S. Congress, trade compliance practices and operations before Executive Agencies, and multi-lateral organizations including the World Trade Organization and the World Customs Organization.

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism: CTPAT is but one layer in U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) multi-layered cargo enforcement strategy. Through this program, CBP works with the trade community to strengthen international supply chains and improve United States border security. 

The Import Administration (IA) enforces laws and agreements to prevent unfairly traded imports and to safeguard jobs and the competitive strength of American industry. Much information here related to imports including exchange rates, Federal Register notices, policy bulletins, and an extremely comprehensive Import Library.

United States Department of Agriculture (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service): Import and Export information.  APHIS serves to facilitate safe international trade, monitor the health of animals presented at the border, and regulate the import and export of animals, animal products, and biologicals.

The mission of the United States Customs Service is to ensure that all goods entering and exiting the United States do so in accordance with all United States laws and regulations.  

If you are in the market for nonwovens, you may want to check out the nonwovens importing and exporting section.

Importing & Exporting Nonwovens

Dec. 2, 2002  Importing to USA Under New Customs Regulation: File graciously provided to Apparel Search from GT Nexus

You may want to also visit our government resources section.

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