Thank you for deciding that it would be a good idea to contribute your knowledge to the Apparel Search fashion industry glossary.
From apparel relevant words from applique to zippers, we provide a comprehensive dictionary with definitions and meanings of key fashion vocabulary. With your help you can make the Apparel Search fashion & textile glossary even better.
At this time, our glossary submission form is not functioning properly. However, you are most definitely welcome to email us your suggestions regarding new definitions to add to the fashion glossary.
If you have definitions and or images to go along with the definitions, you can Contact Us.
When you email us, please be clear that you are providing a new definition for the Apparel Search Glossary.
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Thank you for your wonderful contribution.
The goal is to educate the world regarding fashion industry terminology.
Hopefully the definitions that you provide will help educate others.
Thank you for using the Apparel Search website.