Steven Madden Ltd. Stock Market Information Symbol: SHOO

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- Steven Madden

52-16 Barnett Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11104
United States
+1-718-4461800 (Phone)

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December 2020 Summary: Steven Madden designs, sources, markets and sells fashion-forward footwear and accessories for women, men and children. In addition to marketing products under its own brands including Steve Madden, Dolce Vita, Betsey Johnson, Report, Big Buddha, Brian Atwood, Cejon, Blondo and Mad Love, Steve Madden is a licensee of various brands including Kate Spade, Superga and Anne Klein. The Company also designs and sources products under private label brand names for various retailers. Steve Madden's products are marketed through its own retail stores and e-commerce websites within the United States, Canada, Mexico, its joint ventures in South Africa, China and Taiwan, as well as better department stores, major department stores, mid-tier department stores, specialty stores, luxury retailers, value priced retailers, national chains, mass merchants, online retailers and catalog retailers throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, certain European nations, including Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland, and Tunisia. In addition, Steve Madden has special distribution arrangements for the marketing of its products in Asia, Europe (excluding the aforementioned nations), India, the Middle East, South and Central America and New Zealand. Steve Madden also licenses certain of its brands to third parties for the marketing and sale of various products, including ready-to-wear, outerwear, intimate apparel, eyewear, hosiery, jewelry, fragrance, luggage and bedding and bath products.

October 2013 Summary: Steven Madden, Ltd. designs, sources, markets and sells name brand and private label footwear for women, men and children and name brand and private label fashion handbags and accessories. The Company's products are marketed through its retail stores and its e-commerce Websites, as well as department stores, major department stores, mid-tier department stores, specialty stores, luxury retailers, value priced retailers, national chains, mass merchants and catalog retailers throughout the United States and Canada. In addition, the Company has special distribution arrangements for the marketing of its products in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, South America and India. The Company operates in five segments: Wholesale Footwear, Wholesale Accessories, Retail, First Cost and Licensing.

April 2006 SummaryCompany Profile Steven Madden, Ltd. designs, sources, markets and sells fashion-forward footwear brands for women, men and children. The Company distributes products through its retail stores, its e-commerce website, and department and specialty stores throughout the United States and Canada as well as through special distribution arrangements in Europe and in Central and South America. The Company's product line includes core products, which are sold year-round, complemented by a broad range of updated styles which are designed to establish or capitalize on market trends.

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