Although these rivals beg to differ in style and taste, everybody shares one thing in common - making money. The result of this joint venture is a clash of characters and a new jeans line. PR Jeans is introduced to the public with an obscene advertising campaign, stimulating controversy in the media and a buying frenzy among America's teenagers. Sales skyrocket, launching the company into overnight financial success and its executives on a mission to take the company public. In their desperate reach for crucial quarterly numbers, company insiders scheme to protect the millions of dollars at stake.
Backstabbing and foul
play reveal a world of greed and power where some people get what's coming
to them and others don't. GARMENTO is a wickedly amusing satire of everything
from the infamous designer jeans craze of the 70s to the real-life tales
of corruption inside the world of fashion taken from today's headlines.
Shot on NYC's 7th Avenue, GARMENTO was an official selection for the SXSW
Film Festival 2002 and the Hollywood Film Festival 2002. Written and directed
by Michele Maher and stars David Thornton, Katie MacNichol, Jerry Grayson
and Saundra Santiago. The film is rated R and runs 87 minutes.
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