Removing Stains from Washable fabrics: General Procedures
The following general procedures apply to nearly all stains. Fresh stains
are much easier to remove than old ones, so take care of stains promptly.
- Blot up any excess liquid with a clean white cloth, paper, or other
towels. Remove excess solids by gentle scraping or chipping with a dull
knife or metal spatula. With some solids such as heavy amounts of
surface mud removal may be easier after the stain has dried. Excess can
be brushed off before the clothing is submerged for washing.
- Avoid rubbing the stained area with a linty terry towel or a
dark-colored cloth. You may complicate the problem.
- Never rub a fresh stain with bar soap. Soap sets many stains.
- Decide if the fabric is washable or drycleanable. If drycleanable,
take to the cleaners as soon as possible (within 24 to 48 hours).
- Do not try to treat suede, leather, or fur. Professional cleaners
are needed for these items, and even some professionals do not offer
this service.
- Avoid using hot water on stains of unknown origin. Hot water can set
protein stains such as milk, egg, or blood.
- Test stain removal agents on a seam or hidden area of the garment to
be sure it does not affect the color or finish of the fabric before
starting on the stain.
- Avoid excessive rubbing unless fabric is tough and durable. Rubbing
can spread the stain and damage the fiber, finish, or color.
- Do not iron or press stained fabrics. Heat will set most stains.
- Check laundry for stains before washing. Many stains need
- Inspect wet laundry before drying to be sure stain has been removed.
If a stain is still evident, do not dryer dry. The heat of drying will
tend to make the stain more permanent.
- Wash heavily soiled items separately. During laundering soil is
broken into smaller particles and can be redeposited on cleaner clothing
if insufficient detergent is used, water temperature is too,low, washing
time too long, or washer is overloaded with too many clothes.
Special thanks to Iowa State University for allowing us to reproduce this
Reproduced with permission from the Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa
State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011.
Prepared by: Janis Stone,
Textiles and Clothing Specialist,
Iowa State University

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You should consider washing your clothes if they are dirty. Learn more about washing
Clothing Care
and fiber Content Labels
fabrics Labeled
"Dry-clean Only"
A Note about Modern fabrics
Garments with
Contrasting Colors or Trim
Removing Stains from
Washable fabrics:
Treatment Technique (Sponging) for Apparel fabrics
Chemical Solvents and
Follow These Safety
Classification of Stains
What to Do if You Don't
Stains Needing
Unique Treatment Methods
Common Remedies to Avoid
How to Identify and
Additional Stain
Removal References