Button Definition: Definitions for the Clothing & Textile Industry

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A button is a typically thin, small disc of hard substance, attached to a piece of cloth by stitches sewn through holes in its centre.

The most common use of buttons is to secure the openings of garments, by sliding the button through a slit in the piece of cloth to which the first is to be held. The slit is only sufficiently wide to allow the button to be fully pushed through while still remaining stitched to the first piece of cloth.

Buttons are also sometimes used for decorative effect, with or without a practical function.

 Metal Buttons Factory
 Polyester Buttons Factory
 Laser Engraved Button Factories
 Urea Button Factory
 Wood Buttons Factory
 Coconut Button Manufacturer
 Deer Horn Button / Stag Button
 Buffalo Horn Button
 Ox Horn Button
 Bone Button
 Shell Button
 Pearl Button Factory
 Plastic Buttons
 Bamboo Bottons




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