Top Hat Definition for the Headwear Industry

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A top-hat or top hat is a kind of tall, flat-crowned, broad-brimmed hat worn by men and was especially common in the 19th century. They were made from stiffened felt made from beaver fur or from silk. A popular version, particularly in the United States in the 19th century, was the stovepipe hat. Unlike many top-hats, this version was straight, like piping, and was not wider at the top and bottom. Often they were taller than the typical top-hat.

Later on, top-hats were sometimes given an internal hinged frame, making them collapsible. Such hats are often called "opera hats", though the term can be synonymous with any top-hat, or any tall formal men's hat.

Top-hats are sometimes associated with stage magic.

Stovepipe Hat

Bowler Hat

Baseball Caps

Cap Definition

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Clothing Definition



Morning Dress


The above article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  5/13/05
Clothing & Fashion Industry Definitions
Headwear Definitions

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