As with every other page of the Apparel Search Company
websites, we do NOT guarantee that the information you read on our site is not
outdated by the time you read it. We do our best to keep information
current and accurate, but we unfortunately make no promises.
If you are planning to travel to Florence to visit a Loro Piana store we strongly suggest you contact the store directly (visit "their" website) to make sure they are still in that location even if it is on our Florence page. You should follow this process for any product or store that is critical to your trip.
We wanted to highlight this issue here in the international fashion destination section because you may be planning an expensive shopping trip. It is important to us that you have a fantastic experience during your travels. You can use our guide for general information, but you should consult additional resources to firm up your travel plans.
If you have a very specific requirement regarding stores that you plan to visit when traveling internationally, please be certain to reconfirm store information with the retailers prior to your travel. It is possible that a store has closed or no longer carries a designer category or brand that you wish to review during your trip. Again, we do not guarantee the information in this section does not become outdated at times.
We wish you the best with your international shopping experience.
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