Welcome to the worlds greatest guide to Church Dress. Are you actually looking for Church Dress? Well, we hope you are because the reality is that you have found our page on this heavenly subject.
In this women's clothing section of the Apparel Search directory, you will find all sorts of interesting information regarding Church dresses for women.
What is a church dress? A dress worn to church.
A church is a building used for public Christian worship. Also, referenced as a house of God.
A church building or church house, often simply called a church, is a building used for Christian religious activities, particularly for worship services. The term in its architectural sense is most often used by Christians to refer to their religious buildings, but it is sometimes used (by analogy) to refer to buildings of other religions.
is important to understand church dress etiquette.
A dress is a garment consisting of a skirt with an attached bodice (or a matching bodice giving the effect of a one-piece garment). It consists of a top piece that covers the torso and hangs down over the legs. A dress can be any one-piece garment containing a skirt of any length. Dresses can be formal or informal. In many cultures, dresses are more often worn by women and girls.
When going to church it is typically best to be respectful and to dress accordingly. Some people reference this as, "putting on your Sunday's best". Look your Sunday best in a dress that is appropriate for church.
In North America and Europe, up until circa the mid-1970s it was often expected that worshippers wore their best clothes to church services (known colloquially as the Sunday best). This tradition still exists—while it has declined in many mainstream churches, it is still present in many churches. Church etiquette varies between the different nations and cultural groups among whom the Christian Church is found. In Western Culture, church etiquette has changed over the last half-century, becoming much less formal. Church etiquette might be seen to mirror other social changes in society in general.
Some churches have encouraged a more informal dress code but others have not. Consult your church if you wish to discuss the proper clothing etiquette.
You may also have interest in understanding the meaning of a choir dress which is worn in a church but different than the type of dress we are referencing above. A choir dress is the traditional vesture of the clerics, seminarians and religious of Christian churches worn for public prayer and the administration of the sacraments except when celebrating or concelebrating the Eucharist. It differs from the vestments worn by the celebrants of the Eucharist, being normally made of fabrics such as wool, cotton or silk, as opposed to the fine brocades used in vestments.
Do you know what other dress is very important and often worn in a church? Yes, a wedding dress or bridal gown is often spotted in a house of worship.
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