Other fibers = Otras fibras
fiber Content = Contenido de fibra (%) or Fibra contenida (description)
Acetate = Acetato
Acrylic = Acrilico (as an adj. it's possible to use ACRILICA (e.g. Acrylic fiber = Fibra acrílica)
Cashmere = Casimir
Cotton = Algodón
Flax = Lino
French Terry = Tricot d Pelo Franc's
Hemp = Canamo
Jute = Yute
Linen = Lino
Metallic = Metálico
Modacrylic = Modacrilica
Nylon = Nilon
Olefin = Olefina
Polyester = Poli'ster
Polyolefin = poliolefine
Polypropylene = polipropilino
Polyurethane = Poliuretano
PVC = Cloruro de polivinilo
Ramie = Ramie
Rayon = rayón
Rubber = Caucho
Silk = Seda
Sisal = Sisa
Taffeta = Tafetán
Wool = Lana
Please utilize these translations at your own risk. We do NOT guarantee the accuracy of the translations. We try our best to maintain accuracy, but make no guarantee. Please utilize this for reference only. If you have additions or corrections for this list, please contact us.
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