On this page you will find associations and organizations that are relevant to the machinery and equipment aspect of the fashion and textile industry. This database is presented for your viewing pleasure by Apparel Search.
American Textile Machinery Association
(ATMA): Founded in 1933, the American Textile Machinery Association is
the only U.S. trade association devoted solely to the advancement of U.S.-based
manufacturers of textile machinery, ancillary equipment and parts. With
a membership of 110 companies, their members annually produce a substantial
majority (upwards of 80%) of textile machinery made in the United States.
The Association is based in the Washington, D.C. area, is managed by a professional
staff, and is funded largely by exhibition revenue and member dues.
British Textile Machinery
Association: BTMA was founded in 1940 and is now recognized as the
official organization for the interests of the British textile machinery
industry. BTMA is a member of the Comit
en des Constructeurs de Machines Textiles (CEMATEX) thereby ensuring that
the interests of the British textile machinery industry are represented
in Europe. In addition CEMATEX is the organizer of the ITMA exhibitions
and as a consequence applications for the event are handled by BTMA.
CEMATEX (Comit Europen des Constructeurs
de Machines Textiles) is composed of eight European associations of textile
machinery manufacturers. Among those, beside of Germany, count the associations
of Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.
CEMATEX has a central significance for the fair policy. This concerns, beside
others, the allocation of the
(International Textile Machinery Exhibition).
China Textile Machinery and Accessory Industrial
Association (CTMA): China Textile Machinery and Accessory Industrial
Association (abbreviated CTMA), established on May 19, 1990, is a social
and economical organization with 438 voluntary members who are the enterprises
and institutions from textile machinery and accessory industry. It
is a registered mass organization legal person approved by The Ministry
of Civil Administration of PRC. It is also a nationwide professional
organization featuring with trans-regional, trans-departmental and multi-economic
sectoral business activities.
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers
Association (CEMA) : North American manufacturers of conveying
equipment for the entire materials-handling industry.
Italian Association of Textile Producers
(ACIMIT) [Italian Textile Machinery]: The Association (a private non-profit
making body) main purpose consists in promoting the Italian textile machinery
sector and in supporting its activity, mainly abroad, through the most updated
and innovative promotional means, constantly improved during its 59 years
of life. In order to promote the Italian textile machinery knowledge throughout
the world, ACIMIT gives any kind of information on the activity of the producers
and organizes a wide range of promotional activities (such as exhibitions,
technical seminars, missions in Italy and abroad, etc.) most of the time
in collaboration with ICE (Italian Trade Commission). Another ACIMIT major
aim consists in informing its member companies about commercial, financial
and technical problems which can be found in the different markets in order
to facilitate their entry.
Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association
(JASMA): The JASMA aims to develop and implement surveys
and plans, and promote standardization in the production, distribution,
etc. of sewing machinery, sewing machinery parts and accessories, and sewing-related
equipment, including hand knitting machines (hereinafter called "Sewing
and Other Equipment."), in order to bring about the overall development
of the Sewing and Other Equipment industries, to help to raise the quality
of people's lives and contribute to the development of Japan's national
Symantex - Belgium Textile Machinery
Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry
(TAMI): The Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI), a group of
machinery industry manufacturers, supports this move to its fullest extent
by setting up the organization to promote and build the Taiwan machinery
sector through the combined efforts of the industry's individual enterprises.
TAMI provides information and guidance to the government, and takes part
in government economic programs for the collective benefits of the machinery
Textile Machinery Manufacturers Association
(India): The foundation for manufacture of complete textile machinery was
laid in the decade 1940-1950 mainly to cater to the machinery requirement
of a century old domestic textile industry. But the actual progress in manufacturing
textile machinery commenced in the subsequent decade and thereafter with
the Government's active encouragement both from the point of tariff and
trade protection, the industry marched ahead to build a capacity worth over
Rs. 36,000 million with an investment of Rs. 15,000 million.
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