Please join us for discussions about leather and textiles at the fashion industry network. The fashion industry network, welcomes members from any leather association. You are welcome to create a profile and tell others about your association. Everyone would like to learn about leather from you.
Topics of possible interest for further research:
Associacao Portuguesa
dos Industriais de Curtumes / APIC
(Portugal): APICCAPS – Portuguese Footwear, Components, Leather Goods Manufacturers'
Association - is a nation-wide association based in Porto, founded in 1975
and representing the following business sectors: • Footwear industry • Footwear
components industry • Leather goods industry (bags, wallets, gloves, belts,
etc.) • Equipment for the above mentioned sectors APICCAPS also relies on
the participation, as contributing members, of companies whose area of activity
is related to the sectors that it represents.
Brazilian Association of the
Leather & Footwear Component Industries (Brazil): By Brasil stamp is a project created by component's and machinery's sector
to increase brazilian exportation and spread brazilian product all over
the world. This is an achievement of Abrameq and Assintecal, entities that
unite the machinery manufacturers and Brazilian components, and are supported
by Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (APEX-Brasil). Technical assistance,
great quality, competitive price and delivery in time are some of the most
important benefits offered to international customer. Folowing the concept
of Made in Brazil, by Brasil it's an warranty that shows the safety of who
trust in what produce.
China Leather Industry Association
(China): Established in February 1987,China Leather Industry Association
(CLIA) has over 1300 members and represents the interests of 400,000 employees.
It is a national organization whose members consist of enterprises, institutions,
research institutes and individuals from different regions, departments
and of different ownership, involved in tanning, shoes, leather clothing,
leather-goods, leather chemicals, leather machinery and its kind of accessories.
Responsibility: Undertaking the task of coordinating and managing its sectors,
CLIA is entrusted by the government with the responsibility to lay down
regulations, study important policies of science and technique as well as
supervising and examining the standard of the products' quality, etc.
: The Confederation
of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community
(COTANCE) is the representative body of the European Leather Industry. It
is a non-profit organization established in order to promote the interests
of the European tanning industry at international level. Apart from representing
European tanners and dressers, it also has the mission of promoting European
leather both in the European and international markets. COTANCE is the only
qualified interlocutor representing the views of the European Tanning Industry.
It has gained a wide recognition both internally and externally as the reference
body for the European leather industry. COTANCE's activities and policies
focus on promoting the economic growth and sustainable development of the
European tanning industry.
The German Leather Federation: The
German Leather Federation or V D L after it's German name ( Verband der
Deutschen Lederindustrie e.V. ) is the trade association of the leather
producing industry in Germany. The VDL represents the economic, political
and technical interests of it's members towards the government, other authorities
and related industries. The VDL is the competent partner for the leather
industry and provides various services to it's members.
Hong Kong Hide and Leather Traders
Association (Hong Kong)
The International Council of Hides,
Skins and Leather Traders Associations / ICHSLTA,
represents the interests of the hide, skin and and leather trades of more
than thirty countries. It is the only international recognised body of it's
kind. Founded in 1929 as a non-political organisation, it's principal object
is the promotion, development and protection of the international trade
in raw hides, skins and leathers.
International Council of Tanners
(United Kingdom): The purpose of the International Council of Tanners (hereinafter
referred to as the "ICT") is to promote the interests of the leather
industry internationally, and in particular: a. to provide for an interchange
of views amongst members (i.e. national associations of leather producers
in membership with the ICT) on matters affecting the leather industry;
National Association of Suppliers
for the Footwear Industry
(Mexico): better well-known
by its abbreviation like ANPIC,
is a civil association of voluntary affiliation formed by industrials of
the suppliers sectors of the productive chains for footwear and leather
national industry.
Spanish Tanners Confederation: Tanning is an industrial sector with a long-standing tradition
in Spain: beginning amongst craftsmen, it has remained in place for centuries,
evolving progressively to its current high technological level. Tanning
sector is made up by 115 companies employing some 2.650 workers. The companies
geographical distribution shows a strong concentration in the autonomous
regions of Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and Madrid, with some other tanneries
spread over 15 other provinces.
Thai Tanning Industry Association: is an organization that promote the tanning industry in Thailand. The
association consists of 130 tanneries in Samutprkarn area. Their objective
is to manage and provide members with tanning techique, industrial wasts
management, Enviromental control, trade co-operation, and foreign business
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