From: ASAP
Inaugural events to take place at the Las Vegas Hilton Center, August 24 – 27, 2003
Delafield, Wisconsin, April 8, 2003 -- Close-Out Expo LLC today launched Close-Out Expo, a biannual tradeshow and live auction for the close-out and discount apparel, footwear and accessories market. The inaugural show will take place at the Las Vegas Hilton Center during Apparel Week, August 24 – 27, 2003.
Close-Out Expo is exclusively for manufacturers and direct importers holding authentic close-out and discount merchandise. “Existing Las Vegas apparel tradeshows cater either to manufacturers selling next season’s trends at full prices or to middle men and wholesalers” said Mr. Chris Brewer, Director. “Close-Out Expo is the only tradeshow solely for manufacturers and direct importers holding close-outs and discount fashion lines” he said.
Merchandise displayed at Close-Out Expo will include first-run clearance items, budget manufactured goods, close-outs and factory seconds. Buyers attending the show represent discount retail chains, wholesale clubs and independent specialty retail stores. “Selling close-outs direct to retailers allows companies to control the distribution of their branded merchandise and achieve a fair price for the goods” said Mr. Brewer.
On the final day of the tradeshow, organizers will host a live auction open to all manufacturers and direct importers holding discount apparel, shoes and accessories. Auction lots consist of single product lines. Buyers will bid for items by placing confidential bid slips in a secure box at the venue. Bids will be reviewed at closing and each lot awarded to the highest bidder.
“In our experience, companies are seeking an alternative to the online auctions and liquidation web sites to dispose of their fashion close-outs and excess inventory” said Mr. Brewer. “Inspecting the quality of the merchandise and collaborating face-to-face are integral to the fashion buying process and a live auction facilitates that important interaction” he said.
Close-Out Expo hours of trade are 8:00am – 6:00pm from August 24 – 27, 2003. The auction will take place between 8:00am and 4:00pm on the final day of the show. Buyers displaying registration badges from Magic, the International Apparel Show and Apparel Sourcing Association Pavilion will be granted automatic entry to Close-Out Expo. Entry is free for all buyers.
Close-Out Expo LLC is an independent tradeshow management group serving the discount retail market. Close-Out Expo LLC tradeshows and live auctions cater exclusively to manufacturers and direct importers holding authentic first-run clearance items, budget manufactured goods, close-outs and factory seconds. For more information visit our website at
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