Legal Notice for the Fashion Industry Network |
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Unfortunately, we can NOT promise that you will.
Sorry to say it
like this, but in order to be as clear as
possible, I must be blunt and say that "we
are NOT responsible for anything".
If you utilize the Fashion
Industry Network, it must be with the full
understanding that you are responsible for your own
interaction. We facilitate a method of
communication between members. We do not
take responsibility for the statements or
actions of any of the members.
We do NOT
guarantee that all members of this site are good
citizens (some may be rude, liars, or nasty)
We do NOT
guarantee that if you send some one samples they
will be returned to you in
the same condition (or returned to you at all).
We do NOT guarantee that if a
member claims to sell organic cotton, that
the cotton is truly organic.
We do NOT guarantee that if a
member states that their fabric is flame
retardant that it truly meets all standards
and legal requirements.
We do NOT
guarantee that members will communicate nicely
about you to other members.
We are NOT required to remove statements on the network that you believe to be untrue.
We are
NOT responsible for comments that you believe to
be slanderous.
We do NOT
guarantee that a person saying that they are a
textile engineer is not actually a 4 year old
nursery school student
(photographers may not be photographers, models
may not be models, etc.)
We do NOT
guarantee that anyone is who they claim to be.
We do NOT
guarantee ANYTHING.
Please note
that we also use the Fashion Industry Network to
meet other members of the fashion industry.
Unfortunately, we take the same risks that you
do. If I send someone samples and they
say they will send them back, I have no
guarantees... That is simply a risk that we each
must choose to take. As a member of the Fashion
Industry Network, YOU are responsible for your
own judgment and decisions.
In summary,
please use the website at your own risk...
Although we try
to monitor the website the best that we can, we
can not be responsible for what you may read,
see, view, taste, smell, touch or hear on the
Fashion Industry Network or any other Apparel
Search Company website. The world is
unfortunately full of people that lie, cheat,
and steal. We certainly hope that these people
do not find their way to our website, but we
unfortunately can NOT promise that they will not
rear their ugly heads. When arranging
meeting or any sort of business arrangement,
please be cautious.
Your interactions with other network users
or members, including payment and delivery
of goods or services and any other terms,
conditions, warranties or representations
associated with such dealings are solely
between you and other members of the Fashion
Industry Network. Like with any web-based
interaction, we suggest that you use caution
and good judgment.
If you are a California resident, you waive
California Civil Code Section 1542, which
says: "A general release does not extend to
claims which the creditor does not know or
suspect to exist in his favor at the time of
executing the release, which, if known by
him or her must have materially affected his
settlement with the debtor."
Content from
other users or advertisers is made available to
you through the Fashion Industry Network
website. Because we do not fully control such
content, you agree that the Apparel Search
Company is not responsible for any such content,
including advertising and information about
third party products or services.
If you have
disputes with other members of the network, we
will most likely NOT get involved. However, we
maintain the right to ban one or all members
involved in the dispute.
If you post information on the Fashion Industry Network or any other Apparel Search Company website, you do so of your own free will. The Apparel Search Company maintains the right to remove, modify, delete, adjust, change, use, borrow, manipulate or do anything we want with the information, photos, videos etc., that you post onto the network. Our intentions are good, but we simply want to list all of these rules so that you are very clear that we should not be blamed for anything. Everything that you do on the Fashion Industry Network shall be done at your own risk and with your consent. If you have any questions regarding our rules or policies, please do not hesitate to ask. If you do not receive a response by e-mail, you can also send us regular mail (some times e-mails get missed or caught in spam filters). Read the Member Conduct section for more details. Return to the Fashion Industry Network ![]() Learn about the Fashion Industry Network. If you are a member of our fashion network and you have your own fashion website, please consider adding a fashion industry network badge on your site. |
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