You want to go to fashion school, but you are not sure where to go. It may be a good idea to search for schools in your region. In this section of the Apparel Search directory you can look for fashion schools by location.
◊ United Kingdom Fashion Schools
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If you know a fashion school that should be added to our list, please let us know.
More locations will follow soon.
are the best fashion
Are you planning to attend of the the top fashion schools?
Good luck selecting the fashion school that is right for you...
You may want to also visit the National Association of Schools of Art and Design website.
Founded in 1944, the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) is an organization of schools, conservatories, colleges, and universities with approximately 360 accredited institutional members. It establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate degrees and other credentials for art and design and art/design-related disciplines, and provides assistance to institutions and individuals engaged in artistic, scholarly, educational, and other art/design-related endeavors.
Research the best fashion colleges & universities.
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